Sunday, June 5, 2011

Can you identify this?

It is in the produce department at your grocery store & I just love it!  Leave me a comment if you know what it is called.


  1. It is Jicama (pronounced "HICK-uh-muh"). It's great in green salads! :)

  2. Yes that is correct!! I just love it in salads & also eat it raw for a snack.

  3. well I would have never guessed that....never even heard of it!!

  4. I was heading here to say that it was a Jicama, but saw that Jan had already told you! Yes, it is a very unique CRISPY snack!

  5. jicama, toss it with a little lime juice, chili powder and olive oil (like a few drops) and a pinch of salt! YUM


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