
Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Chuckster

Did you happen to see any of the posts on the Gina K. Designs Facebook page about the "Chuckster"?  Someone named Chuck sent Gina a wooden knob of sorts to help her with applying even pressure on a stamp when it's in the Misti.  Lots of stampers have been making their own versions and this is what I came up with.  First, I found this Veggie Brush at Target.  
The hardest part was pulling out all of the bristles - that was a task & a mess too!   The surface needs to be even so that you can attach felt to the bottom in place of the bristles.  I used adhesive felt over top of where the bristles used to be, which was super easy!  This tool glides so easily over the top of the Misti door and helps keep even pressure on the stamp - especially large backgrounds and intricate designs.  
Here's what it looks like with the felt added to the bottom.  

Ha - a friend sent me this little hand along with a Misti ornament - made me giggle when it arrived in the mail!  I used it for demonstration purposes on this photo with the "Chuckster".  It works like a charm for just the right pressure when using the Misti!  
The Misti ornament - perfect for a crafty gal like me and that hand....✋😂

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