
Sunday, October 4, 2020


We have two nieces expecting their first babies in December.  The drive-thru shower was yesterday but I wasn't able to attend.  I mailed their gifts and of course had to make a couple of cute cards to match!  Since neither of them have told us what they are having I went with a gray/black color theme.  The stamp & die is Papertrey Ink Bitty Baby Blessings - it's an oldie but a goodie!  I ran my paper thru the printer first and personalized the onesies, then stamped the image over top of the printing.  The background papers were just soft gray and worked out great as an accent to the solid image.  
Bitty Blessing - sure is!

Funny story - my sister in law sent me a picture of her shower gift and low & behold we had both bought the Oh Baby Welcome to the World letter boards.  We decided to compromise and we would each give one so that they don't have two of them.  Great minds - huh, Laura?  
Instead of the letter board I bought a book - isn't that cute!  But first, we nap!

1 comment:

  1. WE DO HAVE GREAT MINDS!! Such a cute baby gift!! I did a grey theme too along with a funny how we think alike!


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